Tag: Open Innovation

The Venture Builder Blog

Corporate Innovation Hub

By implementing open innovation programs, Corporates will have access to these great benefits: ▪ Solving strategic or operational “problems”; ▪ Reducing time-to-market for new products; ▪ Increase Value for your brand; ▪ Increase competitive advantage; ▪ Implementing Innovation in a very cost-competitive way ▪ Increase Customer satisfaction and its loyalty; ▪ Create new revenue streams;…
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Cluster Textil Innovation Hub

Fashion is constantly evolving and changing with new trends every year. This industry faces complex problems when it comes to its value chain. Sustainability is a key problem, and its solution lies in innovation. On this coming 30th September,  join us in the free Webinar where we will launch the  Cluster Textil Open Innovation Program,…
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AgroFood Innovation Hub

The Agri-Food  vertical is one of the main activity sectors of a country. It seeks to innovate and transform its technological scope to promote competitiveness and sustainability.  AgroFood Open Innovation Program are designed to increase competitive advantage through collaboration in a Innovation Programs  that links producers, processors, marketers, food service companies, retailers and supporting groups…
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Habitat Innovation Hub

The Habitat sector is one of the industries that generate the most jobs and, at the same time, interconnects with more industries. This sector needs to constantly innovate to keep up with new trends and technologies.  On this coming 23th September, we will host a Webinar  where we will launch the  Habitat Open Innovation Program,…
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Auto Innovation Hub

The auto sector has a significant weight in the business fabric, being one of the main sectors in terms of wealth creation, employment, and technological innovation in the European Industry. The sector’s entire value chain must help shape new international standards for safe, sustainable, accessible, secure and resilient mobility.  It faces huge challenges for a…
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Webinar Health 16.09.2022

Health is one of the main sectors needed to hold a country. Being the most impacted and exhausted sector due to the pandemic, it’s also one of the sectors needing a faster recovery with innovative solutions. On this coming 16th September, we will host a Webinar  where we will launch the  Health Open Innovation Program,…
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Do you have a Tourism based Startup?

Tourism is one of Portugal’s main economic sectors and was one of the most hurted by the pandemic. However, it is also one of the sectors that is receiving the most capital injection in order to recover, faster than any other sectors,  its pre-pandemic levels.  On this coming 15th September, we will host a Webinar …
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