Business Etiquette in Portugal

Business Etiquette in Portugal

Culture plays a key role in business. Each country has its own norms, habits and rules. When establishing contact with foreign companies it is important to study these differences and understand their etiquette or protocol in order to be successful in the international market.

During the week we had Marina Malhão-Pereira, secretary-general of the Association of Family Businesses, present to us the importance of Portuguese business etiquette. 

Portuguese companies are characterized by being essentially small, medium and large (the business tissue being dominated by a higher percentage of SMEs). Many of these companies are old-fashioned, rigid and have formal structures, so there is a respect for hierarchy.

Some of the behaviors pointed out as “do’s and don’ts” include non verbal communication, punctuality, greeting and gestures, how to approach people in meetings and events, how to schedule a meeting, personal presentation, sending a proposal and how to wait for a reply, and the use of a cell phone. It is also important to emphasize the development of verbal communication: volume, tone, fluency, and articulation. Attention to these aspects can enhance your company’s success in the Portuguese market.

If you are interested in learning more about business etiquette in Portugal you can contact The Venture Builder. There is still time to join our Softlanding Workshops and programs. Schedule a free 30-minute consulting meeting NOW here so we can explain the Softlanding programs in detail to you.

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