Portuguese Priorities for its European Union Presidency

Portuguese Priorities for its European Union Presidency

As of 1st of January, Portugal has taken over from Germany the European Union Council Presidency. During 6 months will be chairing the Council meetings and setting up priorities for the European Agenda. 

These are unprecedented times but Portugal has set up an ambitious agenda:  the execution of the Vaccination Plan at European Level so that nobody is left behind, the completion of national approvals and the start of the implementation of the “Bazuka” plan are main priorities of the Presidency.  

The new Biden Administration, BREXIT´s operationalisation, the relationship with the African continent and China, the partnership with the Indo-Pacific area and specially the summit EU-India to be held in Porto promise to deliver many challenges to the strengthening of European Union´s strategic autonomy, another central priority for the presidency.

António Costa, the Portuguese prime-minister referred to «the economic recovery, a fair, green and digital recovery, which will allow us to recover from the dramatic economic and social damage that Covid-19 has caused. 

With Portugal at helm, it is expecting that in this first semester many millions will start to flood into the economy – undoubtedly Portugal is now one of the best locations to open a startup and will become even better. 

Now is the time! If you are thinking of scaling up in Europe and taking advantage of the 500 million market, you should make the decision now! If you don’t come now, someone will do! 

A lot of opportunities will be available for entrepreneurs like you.  You can register at our FREE  webinar, to learn about these opportunities:



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